Speaking in pictures - Illumination of medieval books
Illumination was not just an illustration in the Middle Ages. It was an essential element of the splendid medieval manuscript. Together with the cover, the calligraphically designed text elements and graphic structuring elements, the illustrations formed a holistic work of art. Similar to architecture, occidental book illumination shaped different styles over the centuries. In the mirror of the Würzburg manuscripts, you can find a wide range of styles from the Anglo-Saxon miniatures and initials of the early Middle Ages (M.p.th.f.69) to the painting style of what is probably the most famous school of the Middle Ages, the Reichenau School of Painting (M.p.th.q.5) in the High Middle Ages, to Gothic (M.p.th.f.m.9) and late Gothic (M.p.th.q.9) style elements as well as the artfully entwined initials of the late Middle Ages (M.p.th.f.88).